About the Ops, CS and Engineering category

Questions and discussions on the Ops Workshop series as well as topics like MLOps, DLOps, hardware, software, databases, data structures, computer languages, etc.

  • Any questions and discussions corresponding to our ops series of workshops are welcome here!
  • Stuff like conda/pip/git/github/dvcs, etc can be discussed here
  • This is also the place for discussions on ML/DL ops software like kubeflow, services such as Weights and Biases, etc
  • Language discussions such as stuff on python, haskell, R, Julia, Dex, autodiff software, differentiable programming etc in the context of learning is also welcome here
  • This is also a good place for discussions on data structures, file formats, and databases like computational graphs, arrow, parquet, sqlite, boltdb, duckdb, etc
  • Let your inner computer scientist and syatems engineer out!